How to enable and use the Zendesk Sell integration


Zendesk Sell is the CRM built for today's sales teams. With an intuitive, insights-driven platform, Zendesk Sell provides a single solution for the entire sales funnel: from lead management to renewal. Their mobile apps make it easy to manage pipelines on the road, and detailed reporting and analytics give sales managers the data they need.

Front brings your Zendesk Sell records to where you need them. View, create, and update Base leads, contacts, and deals directly from your inbox Front's app switcher. Update a deal's stage from "Prospecting" to "Demo Scheduled" when you receive a confirmation from your customer. Create a new deal opportunity when a customer reaches out about expanding. Front keeps your Zendesk Sell records at your fingertips.


Follow Zendesk Sell's setup guide to get started. 


This feature is available on the Growth plan or above. Some legacy plans may also have this feature.